
Granny Afghan – Free Crochet Pattern

To celebrate the first day of winter we are featuring three free afghan patterns today. The first day of the winter season in the United States and the rest of the northern

hemisphere, is the day of the year when the Sun is farthest south (on December 21st or 22nd).  This day is known as the Winter Solstice.

Handmade afghans keep a lot of our loved ones warm during the winter season.  They warm their bodies and hearts when they reflect on your labor of love.

Cuddle up with a warm cup of hot chocolate, your favorite yarn and hook and enjoy your winter days relaxing with your peaceful crochet hobby.

Granny Afghan


Edited By: Maggie Weldon

Copyright 2010 Maggie Weldon

Skill: Easy

Size: About 45 inches by 72 inches

Materials: Worsted Weight Yarn: Black – 37 oz; & Assorted Colors – 34 oz.

Crochet Hook: Size H-8 (5.00 mm) or size needed to obtain gauge.

Gauge: Each Motif is 4½ inches square.


When instructed to join with sc, begin with sl knot on hook, insert hook in st or sp indicated, yo and pull up a loop, yo and draw through both loops on hook.

MOTIFS (Make 160)

Rnd 1: (Right Side) Starting at center, with any color, ch 4, join with sl st to first ch to form ring; ch 3 (counts as first dc now and throughout), 2 dc in ring, ch 1, * 3 dc in ring, ch 1; rep from * twice; join with sl st to first dc. Finish off and weave in ends.

Rnd 2: With right side facing, using next color, join with sl st in any ch-1 sp, ch 3, (2 dc, ch 1, 3 dc) in same sp,* (3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc) in next sp; rep from * twice; join. Finish off and weave in ends.

Rnd 3: With right side facing, using next color, join with sl st to any corner ch-1 sp, ch 3, (2 dc, ch 1, 3 dc) in same sp, 3 dc in next sp (between corners), * (3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc) in next corner sp, 3 dc in next sp; rep from * twice; join. Finish off and weave in ends.

Rnd 4: With right side facing, join Black with sl st to any corner ch-1 sp, ch 3, (2 dc, ch 1, 3 dc) in same sp, 3 dc in next 2 sps, * (3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc) in next corner sp, 3 dc in next 2 sps; rep from * twice; join.

Rnd 5: Ch 1, sc in each dc and sp around, working 3 sc in each corner ch-1 sp; join with sl st to first sc. Finish off and weave in ends.


– Block each Motif.

– Sew Motifs together through back loop in last round.


Rnd 1: With right side facing, join Black with sl st to any corner sc, 3 sc in same st as joining, sc in each sc around, working 3 sc in each corner sc; join with sl st to first sc.

Rnds 2-3: Ch 1, sc in each sc around, working 3 sc in each corner; join.

At the end of Rnd 3, finish off and weave in ends.

All Rights Reserved ©2010 Maggie Weldon



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1 Comment

  • marceme 13 years ago Reply

    thanks for all the afghan patterns I LOVE THEM THE MOST BUT I AMSLAO FUN WITH THE dishcloth challenge too HUGS ME

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